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“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

by Alison Whelan on 1 September, 2015

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” (Benjamin Franklin 1706-90) and some say that the latter is more certain than the former.

TaxesNo one likes paying tax, but most people want things like education, defence, police, rubbish collections and street lighting, to name just a few.

To pay for public services that people want, there is no option but to resort to taxation. But what about when that amounts to double taxation?

The Conservative controlled County Council has had its income cut by the Conservative government so has resorted to cost cutting rather than raising Council Tax – something that would require a referendum.

Ely Heritage Street Lights

Heritage Street Lights

Poor performing assets are being hived off and services are being sent down to Parish Councils for funding. City of Ely Council have been asked recently to fund grass cutting as they County Council have halved the number of cuts they are prepared to fund, leading to overgrown verges and open spaces. Next it was asked to fund street lights that the County Council are going to turn off.

Grass cutting to £1,000 per year, but street lighting at £20,000 per year.

Where will that money come from? By increasing the Parish Precept, another type of tax, which is under the control of the City Council and where any increase is not subject to restrictions.

Of course, the reduction in services provided by the County Council is not matched by a reduction in Council Tax, but to keep them, you are being required to pay more tax – double taxation?

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